Rubin Battino, M.S., Ph.D.

Rubin Battino is a professor emeritus of chemistry
and a licensed counselor specializing in very brief
therapy, hypnotherapy, and guided imagery.


(937) 767-1854 home/office

Rubin Battino portrait

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Using Guided Imagery and Hypnosis in Brief Therapy and Palliative Care by Rubin Battino

Guided Imagery & Hypnosis

Using Guided Imagery and Hypnosis in Brief Therapy and Palliative Care presents a model for effective single-session therapy.

Chapters include more than a dozen case studies with transcripts and commentary. Readers will learn how to use an adapted model of Remen’s healing circle to prepare patients for surgery, techniques in guided imagery, and additional approaches for enhancing palliative care.

Extensive appendices provide a wide variety of valuable tools that psychotherapists can use with clients concerned with end-of-life issues.

“Pure genius. I not only recommend this book, I have been talking it up to everyone I know.”
John Lentz

The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Newsletter

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